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More than 2000 packages in the Cooking wok

While we haven’t written some news for a long time, we haven’t stopped working hard to fix bugs, update packages and include new ones in the Cooking repository. So now, with the great work of all the SliTaz developers, we’ve managed to include more than 2000 packages for the next Cooking version! The packages database will be soon frozen so all contributors will begin to focus on fixing bugs and updating the official documentation for the next stable release.

This also means that we have added more than 620 packages in 4 months (from the last stable release in April), and we’ve updated lots of packages such as the Kernel, the base tools and the GTK graphical tool kit.

Packages: http://pkgs.slitaz.org Hg repository: http://hg.slitaz.org/wok

∗ 2009-09-09